nixos/lua-lsp/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/os.lua

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---@class oslib
os = {}
---Returns an approximation of the amount in seconds of CPU time used by the program.
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---@return number
function os.clock() end
---@class osdate
---four digits
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---@field year integer|string
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---@field month integer|string
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---@field day integer|string
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---@field hour integer|string
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---@field min integer|string
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---@field sec integer|string
---weekday, 17, Sunday is 1
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---@field wday integer|string
---day of the year, 1366
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---@field yday integer|string
---daylight saving flag, a boolean
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---@field isdst boolean
---Returns a string or a table containing date and time, formatted according to the given string `format`.
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---@param format? string
---@param time? integer
---@return string|osdate
function, time) end
---Returns the difference, in seconds, from time `t1` to time `t2`.
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---@param t2 integer
---@param t1 integer
---@return integer
function os.difftime(t2, t1) end
---Passes `command` to be executed by an operating system shell.
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---@param command? string
---@return boolean? suc
---@return exitcode? exitcode
---@return integer? code
function os.execute(command) end
---Calls the ISO C function `exit` to terminate the host program.
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---@param code? boolean|integer
---@param close? boolean
function os.exit(code, close) end
---Returns the value of the process environment variable `varname`.
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---@param varname string
---@return string?
function os.getenv(varname) end
---Deletes the file with the given name.
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---@param filename string
---@return boolean suc
---@return string? errmsg
function os.remove(filename) end
---Renames the file or directory named `oldname` to `newname`.
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---@param oldname string
---@param newname string
---@return boolean suc
---@return string? errmsg
function os.rename(oldname, newname) end
---@alias localecategory
---| '"collate"'
---| '"ctype"'
---| '"monetary"'
---| '"numeric"'
---| '"time"'
---Sets the current locale of the program.
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---@param locale string|nil
---@param category? localecategory
---@return string localecategory
function os.setlocale(locale, category) end
---Returns the current time when called without arguments, or a time representing the local date and time specified by the given table.
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---@param date? osdate
---@return integer
function os.time(date) end
---Returns a string with a file name that can be used for a temporary file.
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---@return string
function os.tmpname() end
return os