This repository has been archived on 2024-07-03. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Evie Litherland-Smith c56e355895 Shell updates
zsh: remove oh-my-zsh, update syntax highlighters

Remove carapace

Add some more symbols to starship config
2024-05-16 22:13:09 +01:00

224 lines
5.8 KiB

}: {
imports = [
xdg.configFile = let
variants = ["Latte" "Frappe" "Macchiato" "Mocha"];
mkVariant = variant: let
fname = "catppuccin${variant}.tmTheme";
in {
name = "bat/themes/${fname}";
value = {source = ./. + "/${fname}";};
(lib.lists.forEach variants mkVariant);
programs = {
bash.enable = true;
bat = {
enable = true;
config.theme = "catppuccinMocha";
eza = {
enable = true;
enableAliases = true;
git = true;
icons = true;
extraOptions = ["--octal-permissions"];
direnv = {
enable = true;
nix-direnv.enable = true;
fzf = {
enable = true;
defaultCommand = "${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --type f";
changeDirWidgetCommand = "${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --type d";
fileWidgetCommand = "${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd --type f";
ssh = {
enable = true;
forwardAgent = true;
compression = true;
serverAliveInterval = 15;
serverAliveCountMax = 3;
controlMaster = "auto";
controlPersist = "10s";
extraConfig = ''
SetEnv TERM=xterm-256color
matchBlocks = {
"git*".user = "git";
"legion" = {
user = "pixelifytica";
hostname = "";
"vanguard" = {
user = "pixelifytica";
hostname = "";
"ionos" = {
user = "root";
hostname = "";
"freia" = {
user = "elitherl";
hostname = "freia020.hpc.l";
forwardX11Trusted = true;
"heimdall" = {
user = "elitherl";
hostname = "";
forwardX11Trusted = true;
starship = {
enable = true;
enableTransience = true;
settings = {
add_newline = false;
c = {symbol = " ";};
character = {
success_symbol = "[󰁔 ](bold green)";
error_symbol = "[󰁔 ](bold red)";
command_timeout = 2000;
container = {symbol = " ";};
directory = {
truncation_length = 2;
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1;
truncate_to_repo = false;
direnv = {disabled = false;};
git_branch = {
symbol = " ";
only_attached = true;
ignore_branches = ["master" "main"];
git_commit = {
format = "[ $hash | $tag]($style) ";
tag_symbol = " ";
tag_disabled = false;
git_metrics = {disabled = false;};
git_status = {
stashed = " ";
ahead = " ";
behind = " ";
up_to_date = "";
diverged = " ";
conflicted = " ";
deleted = " ";
renamed = " ";
modified = " ";
staged = " ";
untracked = " ";
typechanged = " ";
hostname = {
ssh_only = true;
ssh_symbol = "󰢹 ";
jobs = {symbol = "󰈏 ";};
line_break = {disabled = false;};
localip = {disabled = false;};
lua = {symbol = " ";};
memory_usage = {disabled = false;};
nodejs = {symbol = " ";};
os = {
disabled = false;
format = "on [$symbol]($style) ";
symbols = {
Alpine = " ";
Arch = " ";
Artix = " ";
CentOS = " ";
Debian = " ";
EndeavourOS = " ";
Fedora = " ";
FreeBSD = " ";
Gentoo = " ";
Illumos = " ";
Linux = " ";
Macos = " ";
Manjaro = " ";
Mint = " ";
NixOS = " ";
OpenBSD = " ";
openSUSE = " ";
Pop = " ";
Raspbian = " ";
Redhat = " ";
RedHatEnterprise = " ";
Solus = " ";
SUSE = " ";
Ubuntu = " ";
Unknown = " ";
Windows = " ";
python = {
python_binary = "python3";
symbol = " ";
shell = {
disabled = false;
format = "using [$indicator ]($style)";
status = {
disabled = false;
map_symbol = true;
pipestatus = true;
symbol = " ";
success_symbol = "";
not_executable_symbol = " ";
not_found_symbol = " ";
sigint_symbol = " ";
signal_symbol = " ";
sudo = {disabled = false;};
zsh = {
enable = true;
enableCompletion = true;
enableAutosuggestions = true;
enableVteIntegration = true;
autocd = true;
defaultKeymap = "emacs";
syntaxHighlighting = {
enable = true;
highlighters = ["brackets" "cursor"];
historySubstringSearch.enable = true;
history = {
extended = true;
share = true;
ignoreDups = true;
ignoreAllDups = true;
ignoreSpace = true;
expireDuplicatesFirst = true;
shellAliases = {
nixos-upgrade = "systemctl start nixos-upgrade.service";
nixos-status = "systemctl status nixos-upgrade.service";
initExtra = ''
## completion config and styling
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}'
zstyle ':completion:*' menu 'select=long-list'
## transient prompt
source ${./transient.zsh}