Move waybar to bottom of screen, move workspaces module to the left and mpris to the centre
187 lines
6 KiB
187 lines
6 KiB
input {
keyboard {
xkb {
layout "gb"
options "grp:win_space_toggle,compose:ralt,ctrl:nocaps"
touchpad {
layout {
gaps 16
center-focused-column "never"
preset-column-widths {
proportion 0.5
proportion 0.75
default-column-width { proportion 0.75; }
focus-ring {
width 1
active-color "#7fc8ff"
inactive-color "#505050"
border {
width 1
active-color "#ffc87f"
inactive-color "#505050"
struts {
left 64
right 64
cursor {
xcursor-theme "Catppuccin-Mocha-Dark-Cursors"
xcursor-size 32
screenshot-path "~/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot from %Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S.png"
spawn-at-startup "set-background"
binds {
Mod+Shift+Slash { show-hotkey-overlay; }
Super+Alt+L { spawn "swaylockfx"; }
Mod+F1 { spawn "swaylockfx"; }
Mod+P { spawn "wlogout"; }
Mod+D { spawn "fuzzel"; }
Mod+Return { spawn "foot"; }
Mod+Shift+Return { spawn "emacsclient" "-c"; }
XF86AudioRaiseVolume allow-when-locked=true { spawn "volumectl" "-u" "+" "5"; }
XF86AudioLowerVolume allow-when-locked=true { spawn "volumectl" "-u" "-" "5"; }
XF86AudioMute allow-when-locked=true { spawn "volumectl" "%"; }
XF86AudioMicMute allow-when-locked=true { spawn "volumectl" "-m" "%"; }
XF86MonBrightnessUp allow-when-locked=true { spawn "lightctl" "+" "5"; }
XF86MonBrightnessDown allow-when-locked=true { spawn "lightctl" "-" "5"; }
Mod+Q { close-window; }
Mod+Left { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Down { focus-window-down; }
Mod+Up { focus-window-up; }
Mod+Right { focus-column-right; }
Mod+H { focus-column-left; }
Mod+J { focus-window-down; }
Mod+K { focus-window-up; }
Mod+L { focus-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+Left { move-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+Down { move-window-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+Up { move-window-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+Right { move-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+H { move-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+J { move-window-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+K { move-window-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+L { move-column-right; }
Mod+Home { focus-column-first; }
Mod+End { focus-column-last; }
Mod+Ctrl+Home { move-column-to-first; }
Mod+Ctrl+End { move-column-to-last; }
Mod+Shift+Left { focus-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+Down { focus-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+Up { focus-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+Right { focus-monitor-right; }
Mod+Shift+H { focus-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+J { focus-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+K { focus-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+L { focus-monitor-right; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Left { move-column-to-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Down { move-column-to-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Up { move-column-to-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Right { move-column-to-monitor-right; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+H { move-column-to-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+J { move-column-to-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+K { move-column-to-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+L { move-column-to-monitor-right; }
Mod+Page_Down { focus-workspace-down; }
Mod+Page_Up { focus-workspace-up; }
Mod+U { focus-workspace-down; }
Mod+I { focus-workspace-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+Page_Down { move-column-to-workspace-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+Page_Up { move-column-to-workspace-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+U { move-column-to-workspace-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+I { move-column-to-workspace-up; }
Mod+Shift+Page_Down { move-workspace-down; }
Mod+Shift+Page_Up { move-workspace-up; }
Mod+Shift+U { move-workspace-down; }
Mod+Shift+I { move-workspace-up; }
Mod+WheelScrollDown cooldown-ms=150 { focus-workspace-down; }
Mod+WheelScrollUp cooldown-ms=150 { focus-workspace-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollDown cooldown-ms=150 { move-column-to-workspace-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollUp cooldown-ms=150 { move-column-to-workspace-up; }
Mod+WheelScrollRight { focus-column-right; }
Mod+WheelScrollLeft { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollRight { move-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollLeft { move-column-left; }
Mod+Shift+WheelScrollDown { focus-column-right; }
Mod+Shift+WheelScrollUp { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+WheelScrollDown { move-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+WheelScrollUp { move-column-left; }
Mod+1 { focus-workspace 1; }
Mod+2 { focus-workspace 2; }
Mod+3 { focus-workspace 3; }
Mod+4 { focus-workspace 4; }
Mod+5 { focus-workspace 5; }
Mod+6 { focus-workspace 6; }
Mod+7 { focus-workspace 7; }
Mod+8 { focus-workspace 8; }
Mod+9 { focus-workspace 9; }
Mod+Ctrl+1 { move-column-to-workspace 1; }
Mod+Ctrl+2 { move-column-to-workspace 2; }
Mod+Ctrl+3 { move-column-to-workspace 3; }
Mod+Ctrl+4 { move-column-to-workspace 4; }
Mod+Ctrl+5 { move-column-to-workspace 5; }
Mod+Ctrl+6 { move-column-to-workspace 6; }
Mod+Ctrl+7 { move-column-to-workspace 7; }
Mod+Ctrl+8 { move-column-to-workspace 8; }
Mod+Ctrl+9 { move-column-to-workspace 9; }
Mod+Comma { consume-window-into-column; }
Mod+Period { expel-window-from-column; }
Mod+BracketLeft { consume-or-expel-window-left; }
Mod+BracketRight { consume-or-expel-window-right; }
Mod+R { switch-preset-column-width; }
Mod+Shift+R { reset-window-height; }
Mod+F { maximize-column; }
Mod+Shift+F { fullscreen-window; }
Mod+C { center-column; }
Mod+Minus { set-column-width "-10%"; }
Mod+Equal { set-column-width "+10%"; }
Mod+Shift+Minus { set-window-height "-10%"; }
Mod+Shift+Equal { set-window-height "+10%"; }
Print { screenshot; }
Ctrl+Print { screenshot-screen; }
Alt+Print { screenshot-window; }
Mod+Shift+E { quit; }
Mod+Shift+P { power-off-monitors; }