{ config, pkgs, ... }: let protonmail-setup-bridge = with pkgs; (writeShellScriptBin "protonmail-setup-bridge" '' pkill -9 -f protonmail-bridge ${protonmail-bridge}/bin/protonmail-bridge -c swaymsg exec "${protonmail-bridge}/bin/protonmail-bridge -n" ''); davmail-setup = with pkgs; (writeShellScriptBin "davmail-setup" '' systemctl --user restart davmail # Ensure config file is present systemctl --user stop davmail ${davmail}/bin/davmail -n ~/.davmail.properties systemctl --user restart davmail ''); in { imports = [ ./plasma6/default.nix ./alacritty/default.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ libreoffice-fresh inkscape webcord protonmail-setup-bridge davmail-setup ]; services = { syncthing.enable = true; kdeconnect = { enable = true; indicator = true; }; }; # programs.mpv.enable = true; # gtk = { # enable = true; # iconTheme = { # package = pkgs.papirus-icon-theme.override {color = "violet";}; # name = # if config.scheme.variant == "light" # then "Papirus-Light" # else "Papirus-Dark"; # }; # cursorTheme = { # package = pkgs.volantes-cursors; # name = # if config.scheme.variant == "light" # then "volantes_cursors" # else "volantes_light_cursors"; # size = 32; # }; # theme = { # package = pkgs.gnome.gnome-themes-extra; # name = # if config.scheme.variant == "light" # then "Adwaita" # else "Adwaita-dark"; # }; # }; # qt = { # enable = true; # style = { # package = pkgs.adwaita-qt; # name = # if config.scheme.variant == "light" # then "adwaita" # else "adwaita-dark"; # }; # }; xdg = { # mime.enable = true; # mimeApps = let # defaultApplications = import ./mimeapps.nix; # in { # enable = true; # inherit defaultApplications; # associations = { # added = defaultApplications; # removed = { # "x-scheme-handler/zoomus" = config.xdg.mimeApps.defaultApplications."x-scheme-handler/http"; # }; # }; # }; userDirs = { enable = true; createDirectories = true; extraConfig = { XDG_PROJECTS_DIR = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/Projects"; }; }; }; # xresources.properties = with config.scheme.withHashtag; { # "*background" = base00; # "*foreground" = base05; # "*color0" = base00; # "*color1" = red; # "*color2" = green; # "*color3" = yellow; # "*color4" = blue; # "*color5" = magenta; # "*color6" = cyan; # "*color7" = base04; # "*color8" = base01; # "*color9" = red; # "*color10" = green; # "*color11" = yellow; # "*color12" = blue; # "*color13" = magenta; # "*color14" = cyan; # "*color15" = base05; # }; }