{ pkgs, fonts, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs; [ volantes-cursors (papirus-icon-theme.override {color = "violet";}) ]; services.gpg-agent.pinentryPackage = pkgs.pinentry-qt; programs.plasma = { enable = true; overrideConfig = true; workspace = { clickItemTo = "open"; lookAndFeel = "org.kde.breeze.desktop"; theme = "breeze-light"; colorScheme = "BreezeLight"; cursor = { theme = "volantes_cursors"; size = 32; }; iconTheme = "Papirus"; wallpaper = "${../wallpapers/landscapes/tropic_island_day.jpg}"; }; fonts = let general = { family = fonts.sansSerif.name; pointSize = 10; }; fixedWidth = { family = fonts.monospace.name; pointSize = 10; }; in { inherit general fixedWidth; menu = general; toolbar = general; windowTitle = general; small = { inherit (general) family; pointSize = general.pointSize - 2; }; }; hotkeys.commands = { "launch-terminal" = { name = "Launch Alacritty Terminal Emulator"; key = "Meta+Alt+T"; command = "alacritty"; }; "launch-emacs" = { name = "Launch Emacs Client Window"; key = "Meta+Alt+E"; command = "emacsclient -c"; }; }; panels = [ { height = 44; lengthMode = "fill"; location = "bottom"; alignment = "center"; hiding = "none"; floating = true; widgets = [ { name = "org.kde.plasma.kickoff"; config = {General.icon = "nix-snowflake";}; } { name = "org.kde.plasma.icontasks"; config = { General.launchers = [ "applications:systemsettings.desktop" "applications:org.kde.plasma-systemmonitor.desktop" "applications:Alacritty.desktop" "applications:org.kde.dolphin.desktop" "applications:emacs.desktop" "applications:firefox.desktop" "applications:org.kde.elisa.desktop" ]; }; } "org.kde.plasma.systemtray" { digitalClock = { date.format = {custom = "d/MM";}; time.format = "24h"; calendar.showWeekNumbers = true; }; } "org.kde.plasma.showdesktop" ]; } ]; shortcuts = { kwin = { "Walk Through Windows of Current Application" = "Alt+`"; "Walk Through Windows of Current Application (Reverse)" = "Alt+¬"; }; }; kwin = { virtualDesktops = { rows = 2; number = 6; }; effects = { translucency.enable = true; blur.enable = true; cube.enable = true; dimAdminMode.enable = true; }; }; configFile = { baloofilerc = {"Basic Settings"."Indexing-Enabled" = false;}; kdeglobals = { General = { TerminalApplication = "alacritty"; TerminalService = "Alacritty.desktop"; }; }; kscreenlockerrc = { Daemon.Timeout = 15; Greeter.WallpaperPlugin = "org.kde.potd"; }; kwinrc = { NightColor = { Active = true; Mode = "Location"; LatitudeFixed = "51.7"; LongitudeFixed = "-1.2"; }; }; }; }; }