Get password from ~protonmail-bridge~, save to ~password-store~:
#+begin_src bash
pass insert mbsync/$(hostname)/proton
# Insert pass at prompt
** iCloud
*** Password
If not already done, save password to ~password-store~:
#+begin_src bash
pass insert mbsync/$(hostname)/icloud
# Insert pass at prompt
This will be synced across devices so only needs doing once
** Outlook
*** Password
If not already done, save password to ~password-store~:
#+begin_src bash
pass insert mbsync/$(hostname)/outlook
# Insert pass at prompt
This will be synced across devices so only needs doing once
*** Configuration
Run src_bash{davmail-setup} to automate this process.
On first run (or if token expires), stop systemd service and run manually to complete manual auth. Token will stay valid for a little while (no idea how long specifically).
#+begin_src bash
# Restart service to ensure ~/ exists