
245 lines
10 KiB

;; ~/.config/emacs/templates
fundamental-mode ;; Available everywhere
(today (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
(fixme (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "FIXME ")
(todo (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "TODO ")
(bug (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "BUG ")
(hack (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "HACK ")
(abstract "\\begin{abstract}\n" r> n> "\\end{abstract}")
(align "\\begin{align}\n" r> n> "\\end{align}")
(alignn "\\begin{align*}\n" r> n> "\\end{align*}")
(gather "\\begin{gather}\n" r> n> "\\end{gather}")
(gatherr "\\begin{gather*}\n" r> n> "\\end{gather*}")
(appendix "\\begin{appendix}\n" r> n> "\\end{appendix}")
(begin "\\begin{" (s env) "}" r> n> "\\end{" (s env) "}")
(center "\\begin{center}\n" r> n> "\\end{center}")
(displaymath "\\begin{displaymath}\n" r> n> "\\end{displaymath}")
(document "\\begin{document}\n" r> n> "\\end{document}")
(enumerate "\\begin{enumerate}\n\\item " r> n> "\\end{enumerate}")
(equation "\\begin{equation}" r> n> "\\end{equation}")
(flushleft "\\begin{flushleft}" r> n> "\\end{flushleft}")
(flushright "\\begin{flushright}" r> n> "\\end{flushright}")
(frac "\\frac{" p "}{" q "}")
(fussypar "\\begin{fussypar}" r> n> "\\end{fussypar}")
(itemize "\\begin{itemize}\n\\item " r> n> "\\end{itemize}")
(letter "\\begin{letter}\n" r> n> "\\end{letter}")
(math "\\begin{math}\n" r> n> "\\end{math}")
(minipage "\\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\linewidth}\n" r> n> "\\end{minipage}")
(quotation "\\begin{quotation}\n" r> n> "\\end{quotation}")
(quote "\\begin{quote}\n" r> n> "\\end{quote}")
(sloppypar "\\begin{sloppypar}\n" r> n> "\\end{sloppypar}")
(theindex "\\begin{theindex}\n" r> n> "\\end{theindex}")
(trivlist "\\begin{trivlist}\n" r> n> "\\end{trivlist}")
(verbatim "\\begin{verbatim}\n" r> n> "\\end{verbatim}")
(verbatimm "\\begin{verbatim*}\n" r> n> "\\end{verbatim*}")
(defmac "@defmac " p n> r> "@end defmac")
(defun "@defun " p n> r> "@end defun")
(defvar "@defvar " p n> r> "@end defvar")
(example "@example " p n> r> "@end example")
(lisp "@lisp " p n> r> "@end lisp")
(bullet "@itemize @bullet{}" n> r> "@end itemize")
(code "@code{" p "}")
(var "@var{" p "}")
lisp-mode emacs-lisp-mode ;; Specify multiple modes
(lambda "(lambda (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(autoload ";;;###autoload")
(pt "(point)")
(var "(defvar " p "\n \"" p "\")")
(local "(defvar-local " p "\n \"" p "\")")
(const "(defconst " p "\n \"" p "\")")
(custom "(defcustom " p "\n \"" p "\"" n> ":type '" p ")")
(face "(defface " p " '((t :inherit " p "))\n \"" p "\")")
(group "(defgroup " p " nil\n \"" p "\"" n> ":group '" p n> ":prefix \"" p "-\")")
(macro "(defmacro " p " (" p ")\n \"" p "\"" n> r> ")")
(alias "(defalias '" p " '" p ")")
(fun "(defun " p " (" p ")\n \"" p "\"" n> r> ")")
(iflet "(if-let (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(whenlet "(when-let (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(whilelet "(while-let (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(andlet "(and-let* (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(cond "(cond" n "(" q "))" >)
(pcase "(pcase " (p "scrutinee") n "(" q "))" >)
(let "(let (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(lett "(let* (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(pcaselet "(pcase-let (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(pcaselett "(pcase-let* (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(rec "(letrec (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(dotimes "(dotimes (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(dolist "(dolist (" p ")" n> r> ")")
(loop "(cl-loop for " p " in " p " do" n> r> ")")
(command "(defun " p " (" p ")\n \"" p "\"" n> "(interactive" p ")" n> r> ")")
(advice "(defun " (p "adv" name) " (&rest app)" n> p n> "(apply app))" n>
"(advice-add #'" (p "fun") " " (p ":around") " #'" (s name) ")")
(header ";;; " (file-name-nondirectory (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name)))
" -- " p " -*- lexical-binding: t -*-" n
";;; Commentary:" n ";;; Code:" n n)
(provide "(provide '" (file-name-base (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name))) ")" n
";;; " (file-name-nondirectory (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name)))
" ends here" n)
(for "for " (p "i") " in " p " { " q " }")
(while "while { " p " } { " q " }")
(until "until { " p " } { " q " }")
(if "if { " p " } { " q " }")
(ife "if { " p " } { " p " } { " q " }")
(unl "unless { " p " } { " q " }")
(unle "unless { " p " } { " p " } { " q " }")
(box "┌─" (make-string (length str) ?─) "─┐" n
"│ " (s str) " │" n
"└─" (make-string (length str) ?─) "─┘" n)
(abox "+-" (make-string (length str) ?-) "-+" n
"| " (s str) " |" n
"+-" (make-string (length str) ?-) "-+" n)
(cut "--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---" n r n
"--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---" n)
(rot13 (p "plain text" text) n "----" n (rot13 text))
(calc (p "taylor(sin(x),x=0,3)" formula) n "----" n (format "%s" (calc-eval formula)))
(title (make-string (length title) ?=) n (p "Title: " title) n (make-string (length title) ?=) n)
(class "public class " (p (file-name-base (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name)))) " {" n> r> n "}")
c-mode :when (re-search-backward "^\\S-*$" (line-beginning-position) 'noerror)
(inc "#include <" (p (concat (file-name-base (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name))) ".h")) ">")
(incc "#include \"" (p (concat (file-name-base (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name))) ".h")) "\"")
(title "#+title: " p n "#+author: " p n "#+email: " p n "#+language: en")
(babel "#+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle yes :mkdirp yes :results output silent")
(caption "#+caption: ")
(drawer ":" p ":" n r ":end:")
(begin "#+begin_" (s name) n> r> n "#+end_" name)
(quote "#+begin_quote" n> r> n "#+end_quote")
(sidenote "#+begin_sidenote" n> r> n "#+end_sidenote")
(marginnote "#+begin_marginnote" n> r> n "#+end_marginnote")
(example "#+begin_example" n> r> n "#+end_example")
(center "#+begin_center" n> r> n "#+end_center")
(ascii "#+begin_export ascii" n> r> n "#+end_export")
(html "#+begin_export html" n> r> n "#+end_export")
(latex "#+begin_export latex" n> r> n "#+end_export")
(comment "#+begin_comment" n> r> n "#+end_comment")
(verse "#+begin_verse" n> r> n "#+end_verse")
(src "#+begin_src " q n r n "#+end_src")
(gnuplot "#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=" (p "table") " :file " (p "plot.png") n r n "#+end_src" :post (org-edit-src-code))
(elisp "#+begin_src emacs-lisp" n r n "#+end_src" :post (org-edit-src-code))
(inlsrc "src_" p "{" q "}")
(buildphase > "buildPhase= ''" n (p "Build Instructions") n " '';")
(checkPhase > "checkPhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(configurephase > "configurePhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(fixupphase > "fixupPhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(distphase > "distPhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(patchphase > "patchPhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(unpackphase > "unpackPhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(installCheckPhasephase > "installCheckPhasePhase= ''" n (p "") n " '';")
(installphase > "installphase= ''" n p " mkdir -p $out/bin" n> "for f in $(find . -executable -type f);" n> "do" n> "cp $f $out/bin" n> "done}" n> " '';")
(gitpackage "{ lib" n ", stdenv" n ", fetchFromGitHub" n ", " (p "inputs") n ", " (p "inputs") n "}:" n n>
"stdenv.mkDerivation rec {" n> "pname = \"" (p "" pkgn nil) "\";" n> "version = \"" p "\";" n n>
"src = fetchFromGitHub {" n> "owner = \"" (p "" own) "\";" n> "repo = \"" (s pkgn) "\";" n>
"rev = \"" "v${version}" "\";" n> "sha256 = \"" "${lib.fakeSha256}" "\";" n> "};" n n>
"nativeBuildInputs = [ " (p "makeWrapper") " ];" n n> "BuildInputs = [ " (p) " ];" n n>
"meta = with lib; {" n>
"homepage = \"" "https://github.com/" (s own) "/" (s pkgn) "\";" n>
"description = \"" (p) "\";" n>
"license = licenses." (p (completing-read "License: " '("agpl3" "asl20" "bsd1" "bsd2" "bsd3" "free" "gpl2" "gpl2Only" "gpl2Plus" "gpl3" "gpl3Only" "gpl3Plus" "isc" "lgpl21Only" "lgpl21Plus" "lgpl2Only" "lgpl2Plus" "lgpl3" "lgpl3Only" "mit" "mpl20" "ofl" "unfree"))) ";" n>
"maintainers = with maintainers; [ " (s own) " ];" n>
"platforms = platforms."
(p (completing-read "Platform: " '("all" "allBut" "arm" "cygwin" "darwin" "freebsd" "gnu" "i686" "illumos" "linux" "mesaPlatforms" "mips" "netbsd" "none" "openbsd" "unix" "x86"))) ";" n> q "};" n> "}"
(pythonshell "with import " (p "<nixpkgs>") " {};"
n> "mkShellNoCC {"
n> "packages = ["
n> "(" (p "python3") ".withPackages"
n> "(ps: with ps; ["(p "python-lsp-server isort mypy") "]))"
n> q
n> "];"
n> "}")
(poetryshell "with import " (p "<nixpkgs>") " {};"
n "with (builtins.getFlake \"github:nix-community/poetry2nix\").lib.mkPoetry2Nix {inherit pkgs;};"
n> "(mkPoetryEnv rec {"
n> "projectDir = ./.;"
n> "preferWheels = true;"
n> "extras = [\"*\"];"
n> "editablePackageSources = {" (p "package") "=projectDir;};"
n> "extraPackages = ps: with ps; [" (p "python-lsp-server isort mypy")"];"
n> "})"
n> ".env")
(clss "class " (p "Class") "(" p "):"
n> q)
(defi "def __init__(self" (p ", *args, **kwargs") ") -> None:"
n> "\"\"\"" (p "docstring") "\"\"\""
n> q "pass")
(defm "def " (p "method") "(self" (p ", *args, **kwargs") ") -> " (p "None") ":"
n> "\"\"\"" (p "docstring") "\"\"\""
n> q "return")
(defc "@classmethod"
n> "def " (p "classmethod") "(cls" (p ", *args, **kwargs") ") -> " (p "None") ":"
n> "\"\"\"" (p "docstring") "\"\"\""
n> q "return")
(defs "@staticmethod"
n> "def " (p "staticmethod") "(" (p "*args, **kwargs") ") -> " (p "None") ":"
n> "\"\"\"" (p "docstring") "\"\"\""
n> q "return")
(deff "def " (p "func") "(" (p "*args, **kwargs") ") -> " (p "None") ":"
n> "\"\"\"" (p "docstring") "\"\"\""
n> q "return")
(main "def main(" (p "*args, **kwargs") ") -> " (p "None") ":"
n> q "return")
(ifm "if __name__ == \"__main__\":"
n> "main()")
(scr "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
n> "def main() -> None:"
n> "pass"
n> "if __name__ == \"__main__\":"
n> "main()")
(logg "logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)")
(nimp "raise NotImplementedError")
(args "def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace:" n>
"parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=\"" p "\")" n>
p n>
"return parser.parse_args()")
(regx p " = re.compile(r\"" p "\")")
(bang "#!/usr/bin/env python3" n> q)
(utf-8_encoding "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-")
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: lisp-data
;; outline-regexp: "[a-z]"
;; End: