Evie Litherland-Smith 2f0ebbf9b4 Add initial version of ics2org function
Function parses an ICS file and returns formatted as an Org event,
currently just prints to standard out, but will modify to insert to
current buffer / buffer of choosing

Move a couple of extra functions into lib directory with ics2org, to
be a bit more organised
2024-06-24 11:25:41 +01:00

44 lines
1.6 KiB

;;; install.el -- Handle installing selected packages -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
;; Configure packages archives with priority
(load-file "lib/package-config.el")
(setopt package-selected-packages
;; Theme
;; UI
all-the-icons nerd-icons nerd-icons-completion nerd-icons-corfu nerd-icons-dired nerd-icons-ibuffer doom-modeline diminish ligature page-break-lines helpful which-key ace-window link-hint diff-hl
;; Completion
cape consult consult-eglot consult-flyspell corfu corfu-terminal embark embark-consult marginalia orderless vertico
;; Templates
tempel license-templates gitignore-templates
;; spell-checking
;; password-store
pass password-store
;; IDE
treesit-auto flymake-popon flymake-shellcheck flymake-yamllint apheleia envrc rainbow-delimiters aggressive-indent jupyter python-docstring nix-mode lua-mode
;; Media
;; org-mode
org-roam org-noter org-journal
;; org-cite
citar citar-embark
;; org-mode HTML export
;; Projects
ibuffer-project magit forge treemacs treemacs-nerd-icons
;; Writing
markdown-mode pandoc-mode auctex auctex-latexmk latex-preview-pane
;; Contacts
bbdb mu4e ement
;; RSS feeds
elfeed elfeed-org elfeed-tube
(provide 'install)
;;; install.el ends here