#+title: Font Showcase #+author: Evie Litherland-Smith #+email: evie@xenia.me.uk #+language: en This is a showcase of various font features to act as a standard candle. * Header 1 ** Header 2 *** Header 3 **** Header 4 ***** Header 5 ****** Header 6 ******* Header 7 ******** Header 8 * Font emphasis Examples of: - *Bold text* - /Italic text/ - _Underscored text_ - =Literal text= - ~Code~ - +Strike-through+ * Character showcase #+begin_example ABC.DEF.GHI.JKL.MNO.PQRS.TUV.WXYZ abc.def.ghi.jkl.mno.pqrs.tuv.wxyz !iIlL17|¦ ¢coO08BbDQ $5SZ2zs 96µm float il1[]={1-2/3.4,5+6=7/8%90}; 1234567890 ,._-+= >< «¯-¬_» ~–÷+× {*}[]()<>`+-=$/#_%^@\&|~?'" !,.;: E3CGQ g9q¶ uvw ſßðþ ΓΔΛαδιλμξπτχ∂ ЖЗКУЯжзклмнруфчьыя <= != == => -> #+end_example ** Legibility test Can I tell the difference between: 1,i,I,l,L,| How about: 0,O,o * Coding ligatures #+begin_example -<< -< -<- <-- <--- <<- <- -> ->> --> ---> ->- >- >>- =<< =< =<= <== <=== <<= <= => =>> ==> ===> =>= >= >>= <-> <--> <---> <----> <=> <==> <===> <====> :: ::: __ <~~ /> ~~> == != /= ~= <> === !== !=== =/= =!= <: := *= *+ <* <*> *> <| <|> |> <. <.> .> +* =* =: :> (* *) /* */ [| |] {| |} ++ +++ \/ /\ |- -|