nix-mode (pyshell "let" n > "pkgs = import " (p "") " { };" n "in" n "pkgs.mkShell {" n > "packages = with pkgs; [ " (p "python3Full") q " ];" n > "env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = with pkgs; lib.makeLibraryPath [ libz];" n > "shellHook = ''" n > "[ ! -d .venv/ ] && python3 -m venv --copies --without-pip --prompt $(basename $(readlink -f .)) .venv" n > "[ -f .venv/bin/activate ] && source .venv/bin/activate" n > "'';" n "}") python-base-mode (aoc "EXAMPLE=\"\"\"" n "\"\"\"" n n "class " (p "MyClass" class) ":" n > "def __init__(self, input: str) -> None:" n > "self._input = input[1:]" n > "return" n n > "def __str__(self) -> str:" n > "return f\"Part1: {self._part1}\\nPart2: {self._part2}\"" n n > "@property" n > "def _part1(self) -> int:" n > "return None" n n > "@property" n > "def _part2(self) -> int:" n > "return None" n n n "if __name__ == \"__main__\":" n > "example = " (s class) "(EXAMPLE)" n > "print(example)") ;; Local Variables: ;; mode: lisp-data ;; outline-regexp: "[a-z]" ;; End: