Stop using :ensure and manage installed package properly so that extra
packages can be easily tested and removed. Majority use case is on
NixOS anywhere where Emacs is only configuring - not installing - the
Also stop using :diminish because I don't need it with doom-modeline
Ensure that config org-mode files don't contain "#" in the filename
when looping to call org-babel-load-file. These files only exist if a
file has unsaved changes, but directory-files will still find them as
.org files and attempt to load
Move package-archive definition and priorities into start of init.el,
since everything else actually depends on that (somewhat)
Remove the headings that were used for each section, now that each
section is in a different file
Tweak org config to let org-agenda setup be where agenda files are
added to org-refile-targets list, just in case
Move python hook setting to python use-package block
Use locate-user-emacs-file for resolving paths inside
Update my/open-init-file (was my/open-config-file) for new config structure
Contents of have been split into org files in config/
Added init.el to simply loop over config files and call
Add lots to .gitignore as this repo should now be cloned to
.emacs.d (instead of .emacs as before)