Move python-check-command and python-flymake-command setting to hooks

Set variables locally depending on what programs are available. Mostly
helpful for checking if mypy is installed in given environment (since
it's not globally), or for available programs on remote host
This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2024-07-29 11:45:01 +01:00
parent 4828d8e671
commit c962bb3f93

View file

@ -867,21 +867,17 @@
("C-c c a" . eglot-code-actions)
("C-c c r" . eglot-rename))
:hook ((eglot-managed-mode . (lambda () (add-hook 'flymake-diagnostic-functions 'eglot-flymake-backend nil t)))
(nix-mode . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil)
(executable-find "nil" t))
(nix-mode . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil) (executable-find "nil" t))
(python-base-mode . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil)
(or (executable-find "pyright" t)
(executable-find "pylsp" t)))
(lua-mode . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil)
(executable-find "lua-language-server" t))
(lua-mode . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil) (executable-find "lua-language-server" t))
((rust-ts-mode rust-mode) . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil)
(executable-find "rust-analyzer" t))
((rust-ts-mode rust-mode) . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil) (executable-find "rust-analyzer" t))
((js-base-mode typescript-ts-base-mode) . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil)
(executable-find "typescript-language-server" t))
((js-base-mode typescript-ts-base-mode) . (lambda () (if (and (project-current nil) (executable-find "typescript-language-server" t))
@ -1053,16 +1049,19 @@ Calls `project-remember-projects-under' for ~/Projects/"
(display-fill-column-indicator-mode +1))
(use-package python
:hook ((python-base-mode . (lambda () (my/enable-fill-column 88))))
:hook ((python-base-mode . (lambda () (my/enable-fill-column 88)))
(python-base-mode . (lambda () (setq-local
python-check-command (cond
((executable-find "mypy" t) "mypy --check-untyped-defs --warn-unreachable --show-error-codes --ignore-missing-imports")
(t "pyflakes"))
python-flymake-command (cond
((executable-find "ruff" t) '("ruff" "check" "--output-format=concise" "--stdin-filename=stdin" "-"))
((executable-find "flake8" t) '("flake8" "--max-line-length" "88" "-"))
(t '("pyflakes")))))))
(python-shell-interpreter "python3")
(python-shell-dedicated 'project)
(python-shell-dedicated nil)
(python-indent-def-block-scale 1)
(python-check-command "mypy --check-untyped-defs --warn-unreachable --show-error-codes --ignore-missing-imports")
(cond ((executable-find "ruff") '("ruff" "check" "--output-format=concise" "--stdin-filename=stdin" "-"))
((executable-find "flake8") '("flake8" "--max-line-length" "88" "-"))
(t '("pyflakes"))))
(setq python-ts-mode-hook python-mode-hook))