Change org-directory layout again

Back to individual Inbox headings in files used as misc inbox (e.g. for orgmobile)
This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2024-03-17 12:02:41 +00:00
parent 4aa06e671f
commit 4d889b1b9f

View file

@ -58,24 +58,21 @@ For reference information, see [[][Org-mode website]]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output silent
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("n" "Note" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Notes")
(file+olp+datetree "" "Inbox")
"* %?")
("t" "Task" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Tasks")
(file+olp+datetree "" "Inbox")
"* TODO %?")
("c" "Calendar Event" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Calendar")
"* %?\n%^t\n\n%i")
("r" "Reading List" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Reading List")
(file+olp+datetree "" "Inbox")
"* %?")
("m" "Email Workflow")
("mf" "Follow Up" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Tasks")
"* TODO Follow up with %:fromname on %a\nDEADLINE: %^{deadline}t\n\n%i")
(file+olp+datetree "" "Inbox")
"* TODO Follow up with %:fromname on %a :email:\nDEADLINE: %^{deadline}t\n\n%i")
("mr" "Read Later" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Reading List")
"* TODO Read %:subject\nSCHEDULED: %^{scheduled}t\n\n%i")
(file+olp+datetree "" "Inbox")
"* TODO Read %:subject :email:\nSCHEDULED: %^{scheduled}t\n\n%i")
@ -149,9 +146,12 @@ Better syncing to mobile, for use with [[
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(setq org-mobile-directory "~/.orgmobile/"
org-mobile-capture-file ""
org-mobile-agendas nil
org-mobile-files (list (expand-file-name "" org-directory)
(expand-file-name "" org-directory))
(expand-file-name "" org-directory)
(expand-file-name "" org-directory)
(expand-file-name "" org-directory))
org-mobile-inbox-for-pull (expand-file-name "" org-directory)
org-mobile-force-id-on-agenda-items nil)
(add-hook 'org-capture-finalize-hook #'org-mobile-push))